
App Store 上的“Electrolux Pure i CE”

Pure i9 App是Electrolux Pure i9 机器人的完美应用程序。 首先通过Wi-Fi将App连接至您的Pure i9 机器人上,您就可在任何地方起动、停止、定时安排和 ...

Electrolux on the App Store

Control and monitor your connected Electrolux appliances for a more comfortable home environment. No matter where you are. For better living. From Sweden. • ...

Electrolux Pure i app - APK Download for Android

- Upgrade robot software and the App to improve navigation and cleaning efficiency, get exciting new features, bugs fixes and more. Languages supported: English ...

Electrolux PUREi9

PUREi9 App是Electrolux PUREi9机器人吸尘器的伴侣型应用程序。 首先通过Wi-Fi将App连接至您的PUREi9机器人吸尘器,您就可在任何地方启动、停止、定时安排和监控机器人 ...


Control and monitor your connected Electrolux appliances for a more comfortable home environment. No matter where you are. For better living. From Sweden.

i9 掃地機器人軟體更新

瑞典伊萊克斯PUREi9 / PUREi8掃地機器人,軟體手動更新。點此下載最新版PUREi9 / PUREi8 / PURE i9.2 最新版軟體。


Small proof-of-concept client to connect to Electrolux and AEG cleaner robots.


Purei9App是ElectroluxPurei9机器人的完美应用程序。首先通过Wi-Fi将App连接至您的Purei9机器人上,您就可在任何地方起动、停止、定时安排和 ...,ControlandmonitoryourconnectedElectroluxappliancesforamorecomfortablehomeenvironment.Nomatterwhereyouare.Forbetterliving.FromSweden.• ...,-UpgraderobotsoftwareandtheApptoimprovenavigationandcleaningefficiency,getexcitingnewfeatures,bugsfixesandmore.Languagessu...